Why do so many startups fail?

Startup Lessons — Part 3

1 min readJun 1, 2023

Startup building is not a short-term game, it is a journey full of uncertainty where a few selfless brave-hearts commit themselves to solving some pertinent problems of this world that will disrupt the market like never before and while they do so they are conscious that it will be a tremendous learning journey that can go on for many years to come.

While navigating this startup life I am always pained to see how quickly we give up the fundamentals of building a sustainable business just because we want to grow rapidly at any cost, which leads to

- Lack of consumer trust
- Drained workforce
- Dissatisfied Customers
- Chaotic Culture
- High Burn Rate
- Unsustainable ROI
- Fractured business foundations

And then we are perplexed, why do so many startups fail?

Building a business has always been 10–15 years affair and then it attains a phase where it can call itself a well-organized institution that is in the infinite game of serving consumers through innovations that is relevant as well as futuristic

Slow and steady always has a better chance of becoming an impactful business, yes exceptions do exist but we should be cognizant enough not to make them a rule.




Passionate Blogger & Tech Entrepreneur | Founder of Agritech Startup | Writes about life, startup, tech, agritech & fintech