Why do small breaks, parties, and hangout events never fill your void?

A short note on stress, happiness & work-life balance

3 min readAug 29, 2023

This morning I was contemplating hard about the fact that even after small or long holiday breaks, hanging out with friends and families doesn’t fill your void and often leaves you unfulfilled and unhappy. I reflected hard internally, listened to some of the wisdom of wise men of the world and India, and read books that matter and came to the conclusion that we do not ask relevant questions to ourselves very often.

This is one question i feel, one often needs to ask themselves

Why even you need to resort to escapes to de-stress and detox yourselves?

To be honest it has to largely do with the choice of work you have chosen to do.

  • If you are not getting completely lost just because the work is not of that stature.
  • The kind of work you are doing is not changing you from the inside and also not impacting the outer world for good, it is bound to leave a void in your heart and leave you often unhappy, unfulfilled, and unwanted.

So what do you do to fill that void?

Escape for small or long breaks, and engage in meaningless parties that always fail you miserably? Once the party hangover is gone you are back to square 1, isn’t it? In fact, your void becomes even wider.

So Where Does the Solution Lie?

Again, the answer lies in the choice of work. Being born in this world as a human being, you will be largely spending your life working. In fact, 70–80 % of our life circles around the deeds we perform.

If that is the case why not make a wiser choice and take up a task that

  • Makes you a better & and more progressive human from the inside.
  • Engages you so deeply that you are absolutely in love with it.
  • Change the lives of your fellow beings for good
  • Solves some mystical and tough problems of the world and adds value to the outer world

Does such work even exist?

Yeah, take for example the pool of scientists who were grossly engaged in the Chandrayaan launch mission, they were completely lost in this mission of a lifetime that required them to absolutely surrender themselves. This mission has the power to change the world for good. This will help humans discover new possibilities altogether on the planet Moon.

All these scientists would have seldom had the time to think about the escape which we often desire. It would have been an extremely testing journey for them full of challenges and uncertainties, but the sheer impact of their work is such that they knew from deep inside that it would be a life-changing mission for them both inwardly and outwardly.

I am sure, if you happen to meet any of them and listen to their side of the story you will get the answer for yourself. Likewise, there are many deeds that you can choose from.

To Sum Up :

Choose the work of the highest order and skill up to make yourself eligible for such work, Do not escape if that work is of some stature, it will definitely change your life in a meaningful way and fulfill you for sure, if you are gritty, committed and in deep love




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